hello from the east side of America
Well all I can say is that this week was pretty interesting. lol I don't think I have been called so many names in my life. or I guess been thought of so many things or identities in one day. This week was pretty frustrating we didn't have the opportunity to teach a lot; it is very hot here and so we don't really get to see a lot of people. they won't answer their door. but its okay. we do our best. the other crazy thing is that people magically forget that they have set up appointments even when we set it up ... 3 hours before. it is really hard to keep a pushing forth attitude. but I will tell you one thing, even though I have tacos everyday it is worth it! I have learned so much by relying on my Savior while tracting, contacting and sweating every ounce of water that I posses. we have been in some pretty scary places this week. we were sitting in our car saying a prayer before we went out to contact a lady named Diane, when we opened our eyes and a man walked up to our car all slow like.. he prompted us to role down our window.. and my companion did... and he asked if we 'had the stuff' so we said .. "we have the gospel" and he said ..."oh you don't have the smokes?" so that was really scary. but for some reason in the moment I wasn't scared at all, it is just scary thinking about it now. (1nephi22:17) This scripture was definitely applicable in that situation! we also went tracting in another scary area. and a man informed us not to go up to his porch because his friend was smoking marijuana. so we didn't even hesitate. we just left a card and spoke with him from afar off of where he was. Also.... the last thing that I want to focus on before I get to the spiritual side.. is that we were contacting in one other place and we passed by a house that was full of men who were clearly intoxicated by a lot of substances. so we quickly walked by (probably not the most Christ-like thing to do) but we walked by and one guy staggered in front of us from behind his car and said... "hey... reverend ladies.. have a blessed day".... so that was actually really sweet of him. we were just really frightened. so the moral of the story is to 'pray always that you may come off conquerer'. (D&C 10:5)
But after all of that the thing that I learned most was to rely on my Heavenly Father. We had no idea where we were going, we didn't have set appointments, and the appointments we did have all fell through except for maybe one. I have learned so much about the atonement and the saving grace that it has! not only saving grace, but the enabling power as well. We are called many things in our life.. and told many things. We go through so much,, but why? why do we all have these experiences and hard ships? I know that these things are hard especially when you don't know what direction you are headed in . but I do know that if you strive to do your best, and pray for the strength to endure your trials you will come off and conquer. that may seem cliché. but I know it to be true. there is a great talk by elder Bednar called "the atonement and the journey of mortality" it explains what I am trying to explain much more eloquently. Also a song by Hilary Weeks 'better promises'.
Marian is still planning on getting baptized on July 18 and she is doing really well with the word of wisdom, and Ann is planning on getting baptized on September 12. they are doing really well. Marian has attended church enough times to be baptized so all that is left are final lessons and an interview.
You guys are great! thank you for all of your support. sorry this email is kinda choppy but just know that I love this work and even when there may not be a lot of 'success' just look up and know that God is proud of you!
tues---Dinner at the Whittiers
thurs---lesson with kinata (like piñata but with a 'K')
fri---reverend ladies
sat--Drug dealer Missionaries?
Sun--talk in Sacrament meeting by Brother Edwards (Enos 1:4-8)